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Hi everybody! Just giving you a warm, hearty, english welcome. Lol.
Thanks for the invite. Any querys on rainy, england give me a tell.


Fuzz's picture

Hi Dementia!

Hey Dementia, great to see you here.

nice work on beating the NZ rugby league team 3-0

League good, cup bad!

Thanks, shame about the world cup though. We should never of made it to the finals playing the way we did.

stupid frenchys

Hay at least ya didn’t get beaten by the French like us. Now thats embarissing.


Nice to meet you also Dementia, welcome to TeamIPX

n0mad's picture

Howdy Back

Hey Dementia, Haven’t seen you round the ET:QW servers, Whats Games Ya Playin online ?

In other words what are you wasting your life on, I’m Padman and ET:QW……


I play et:qw mostly. I might download Padman, it looks pretty good. I play on the internode servers, trouble is my time difference means I’m 12 hours behind. It makes it difficult to play at the same time as you. :(

n0mad's picture

Late Nights

Nar Weekends I’m around till late mostly when the sun comes up and I think, Gees that
gaming session went quick….

Kazozza's picture

Not a bad idea...

Maybe we can book a server for the wee hours of the morning and have a game!

n0mad's picture

Sounds Like a Plan

Ok so what part of New Zealand you in Dementia just so we can work out the time difference…. ?

Say 2:00am Eastern Standard Time in Melbourne Australia on Sunday Morning
What Would be the time for you ?

Sounds good

Definatly sounds good. Though I’m in Greenwich Mean Time, which is about +09:30 in Adelaide.

Kazozza's picture

Ah, Zulu Time!

Good old Zulu time, how I don’t miss you!

Time Sync

Ask your new prime minister if he can sync times with us in england. We got the same monarchy so why not a same time. Lol!

Kazozza's picture


Nah, we’ll probably fix the monarchy thing soon too!

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